Traco MD allows journalists to distribute reports online directly from Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX to social, OTT and FTP platforms. On top of that you have access to profiles, which make the export and distribution of reports even faster and easier together with stunning Vizrt graphics or metadata as a sidecar file.
Traco MD allows you to distribute finished news reports immediately, to social platforms anywhere, anytime.
With Traco MD you can instantly export and distribute reports to tracking platforms (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, OTT and FTP) online by connecting to Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX ™.
Pomocou Traco GFX dokážete pohotovo reagovať na aktuálne udalosti a prinášať najnovšie správy. Reportáži môžete ihneď pridať grafické titulky zo širokej škály grafických šablón Viz Pilot priamo v rozhraní, upravovať ich načasovanie a trvanie na časovej osi. Týmto spôsobom môžete všetky kroky potrebné na dokončenie reportáže vykonať sami na svojom notebooku, počítači alebo tablete.
Traco MD allows you to distribute reports to a specialised platform with user-definable metadata or metadata bound to the timeline. You can use Traco MD to create custom metadata forms, distributed as easily manageable xml sidecar files.
Traco MD makes it simple to add a unique jingle to every report you distribute.
Traco MD makes it easy for you to create accessible news reports for the global market by allowing you to add subtitles or even multiple layers of closed captions.
Download a comprehensive description of Traco MD, its functions and super capabilities.